Photo: Jimmy Conover.

The Essentials of a First Aid Kit for Camping

You should always have a first-aid kit on hand if you're going camping or for any other outdoor activity. Consider enrolling in a first aid course since understanding how to use the supplies in a first- aid kit is just as crucial as possessing them. It might just be what you need to save a life. Emergency necessities that you might carry on your person without a kit should be included in your first aid kit. Along with any prescription drugs your group might require, don't forget to pack any extra supplies you might need based on where you're going and how long you'll be out. If you have a thorough first aid kit checklist, you'll be prepared for any small problems or scratches that may arise during a family camping trip. The perfect camping first aid bag will be stocked with supplies to address any probable issues, including occasionally life-saving medication and medical equipment. Make sure to adhere to these recommendations to put together a secure, transportable first aid kit before departing for a week of camping.

Purchase a first aid kit

There are many excellent first aid kits available to purchase, but it is a good idea to ensemble your own kit. Incorporate first aid materials into a tough container. There is no way a first aid kit sold in a store could contain all you would require. It is advised to select a kit with lots of space so that you can add any further products you think you’ll desire or need.
A first aid kit’s size is determined by its intended purpose and the number of users. Generally speaking, if you’re taking your first aid kit camping, it should be portable, lightweight, and big enough to hold enough supplies for everyone.

Stocking a First Aid Kit

Be sure that your kit has these items:

1. Wound and burn care.
You need to be prepared for accidents while camping, and having supplies ready in the event of a wound or a burn, including sunburn, is important. The following items is recommended to add to your first aid kit:
• Bandages in assorted sizes and shapes. Also include butterfly bandages, which will hold the edge of a deep cut together, and triangular bandages to create slings or hold dressings.
• Elastic bandages for wrapping sprains
• Antiseptic wipes
• Antiseptic solution (like hydrogen peroxide)
• Blister and gauze pads
• Moleskin
• Q-tips
• Antibiotic cream
• Hydrocortisone cream (1%)
• Calamine lotion
• Insect bite swabs or ointment
• Burn ointment
• Rubbing alcohol
• Antiseptic wipes
• Antiseptic hand cleaner
• Some plastic vials with sterile NaCl 0,9% solution may be very helpful to rinse dirt away from the eyes or for cleaning a dirty wound as 1st step care.

2. Medical essentials.
While camping, anything you need for your personal medical care should be packed in your first aid kit. This includes:
• Any prescription medications whether for you or your fellow campers
• Over-the-counter pain management medication, like aspirin and ibuprofen
• Gastrointestinal meds, such as antacids and anti-diarrheal medication
• Antihistamines and an anti-itch cream
• Topical antibiotic cream to treat small, shallow wounds
• Headache medication for adults and children.

3. Tools.
Other essential items you’ll need in your first aid kid is a variety of tools to be able to assist with wounds, cuts, burns, etc.:
• Disposal latex medical gloves (at least 2)
• Safety pins
• Tweezers
• Scissors
• Duct tape
• Needle with thread, if ever needed
• Splint
• Tick removal tool
• Thermometer
• 10 cc irrigation syringe
• Water purification tablets
• Waterproof matches and fire starter
• Small-edge razor blade
• Mini flashlight
• A variety of batteries
• Magnifying glass
• Fingernail clippers
• Emergency blanket, which is an aluminium style reflective blanket to have on hand if temperatures drop dangerously low or if you get wet.

Sprays and creams.
Depending on weather and other conditions, you may need some of the following creams and sprays on your camping trip:
• Lip balm
• Sunscreen
• Burn relief sprays, especially for sun burn
• Anti-itch creams or sprays, particularly those that help relieve itching and pain from bug bites and contact with poisonous plants
• Petroleum jelly for chafing.

The following items are also essential for inclusion in your first aid kit:
• First aid manual
• Disposable instant cold packs
• Barrier device for CPR
• Plastic Ziploc bags for disposing of used materials
• Pencil and pad of paper
• Medical information of all family members as well as friends camping with you
• Epi-pen if you suffer from severe allergic reactions
• Multivitamins, if you have a special diet plan
• Snake-bite kit if you’re in an area where snakes are present
• List of emergency phone numbers such as your physician, family and friends, local poison control centre etcetera.


Regardless of where you are camping, whether in the bush or next to a dam, river or the ocean, you should always remember to take appropriate precautions to protect yourself in an emergency A good first aid kit can give you peace of mind on your camping trip, provided that you've got it stocked with the right items. After you've assembled your camping first aid kit, make sure you compile a check list and always check it to ensure you have everything you need. Replace items that have been used or expired.

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